Golden Goblins have been released into the lands of Kanturu, Aida, Tarkan, Karutan and Acheron. When defeated, these creatures may drop a Book of Invocation that will summon other Golden Monsters.
This includes the Golden Tantalose, Golden Erohim, Golden Hell Maine and Golden Kundun. Capture each Golden Monster for a chance to retrieve a new Book that will summon the next level of monster. Each Golden Monster will unlock random rewards which may include zen, jewels, Wings of Angel and Devil.
[Event Period]: 26/07/2024(GMT-3) 20:00 ~ 16/08/2024 Before maintenance (GMT-3)
Steps List
Golden Goblins: Respawn every 2 hours
Golden Goblins
Jewel of Bless
Jewel of Soul
Jewel of Life
Jewel of Harmony
Titan's Anger(Summons Golden Titan)
Golden Titan
Errtels (0~3)
Guardian Enhanced Stone
Pentagrams (Normal ~ Rare)
Tantalose's Punishment(Summons Golden Tantalose)
Golden Tantalose
Errtels (0~3)
Bless of Light (Middle Grade
Guardian Enhanced Stone
Pentagrams (Normal ~ Rare)
Erohim's Nightmare(Summons Golden Erohim)
Golden Erohim
Errtels (4~6)
Bless of Light (Middle Grade
Guardian Enhanced Stone
Pentagrams (Normal ~ Rare)
Hell Maine's Insanity(Summons Golden Hell Maine)
Golden Hell Maine
Errtels (7)
Lapidary Stone
Bless of Light (Greater)
Elite Guardian Enhanced
Pentagrams (Rare ~ Unique)
Kundun's Greed(Summons Golden Kundun)
Golden Kundun
Errtels (7)
Lapidary Stone
Elite Guardian Enhanced
Bless of Light (Greater)
Miracle Coin
Pentagrams (Unique ~ Mastery)
Wings of Angel and Devil ( 30 Days)
Golden Monsters cannot be summoned in any safe zones or on the event map.